If you don’t feel like spending any money at all, there’s two ways to achieve more cards. When you sign up for your account, you get to choose one of the starter decks and funded with a few hundred shadow crystals in order to purchase a few booster packs or another starter deck if you so choose. This is actually the best point to start at. Luckily for the great and good of the BRB community, I’ll be giving away some of my considerable virtual fortune (in the form of the in-gane currency of shadow crystals) to some of you to get you started in this game. Apart from receiving loads of cards and other physical goodies, I also acquired more online game currency than I will ever conceivably use, which is another reason I’m doing this game first. I’m one of the lucky few who has got their hands on the game ahead of being released to the public the cards I received were for crowd funding the game. Yes, there is a physical card portion of this game, but it is entirely optional and deciding to pass on this aspect of the game won’t get in the way of your enjoyment in the slightest. Receiving those hundreds upon hundreds of cards (don’t ask how much I spent) really revitalized my enjoyment of the entire game. Considering I had just received my ginormous order of physical cards for Shadow Era, I felt this was the most appropriate choice for my first Game You Probably Haven’t Tried (GYPHT).